Newsletter Comic #1 - Imagination

Who better to ask about imagination then your kid self?

This is the first comic from my new newsletter, and the first issue of my new webcomic series - Glad Man Comics.

This series is about me living in my head and all the strange things that go on in there. It’s an excuse to finally make comics about whaterver I want and not be stuck or limited by the kind of story I want to tell.

So if I want to bring in characters from other stories or series I developed but never made - I can!

If I want to try different art styles in different issue - I can!

If I want to churn out comics quickly or slow down and take my time on certain ones - I can!

My character lives in a world of endless possibilites and I want to be able to explore as much of it as I want without having to worry about the rules of certain platforms, having to self-censor myself, being stuck to a certain uploading schedule, or sticking to one thing.

I want to be consistent with producing the comic, but unconsistent with how I make it or tell the story. So I hope that you will come along for the ride and enjoy the series as I produce it.

  • Glad Man Comics


Newsletter #2 - Just in Time